Generally it is best to use services like YouTube, Vimeo or a CDN for hosting video, but sometimes it isn’t an option. SimpleVid is a free and easy way to host and embed your own fluid videos. It uses flash to for browsers that don’t support h.264, so you can encode once as a baseline h.264 mp4 and play anywhere.
(Try FitVids.js if your video is on YouTube, etc.)
Add video to your html in a container div styled to scale as you like.
<div id="container"> <video id="myVideo" width="640" height="360" poster="img/poster.jpg" controls> <source src="vid/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> </video> </div>
Link to jQuery and then simplevid.js. Then, initialize the plugin with the settings you want. Last, use the plugin to target video elements on the page.
<script src=""></script> <script src="js/simplevid.js"></script> <script> var simplevid = new $.simplevid({ player: 'swf/vidobject.swf', buttonColor: '#FFFFFF', accentColor: '#BBBBBB', backgroundColor: '#111111', scaleVideo: true, fullScreen: true }); simplevid.embed("myVideo"); </script>
Parameters are:
Thanks to swfobject.js for some code, and Chris Coyier for inspiration.
Other stuff by me: